Fines for selling lighters to minors

#industry news

A group of deputies and senators has submitted to the State Duma a bill that proposes to establish administrative liability for non-compliance with restrictions on the sale of potentially dangerous household goods containing liquefied petroleum gases to minors. The document is posted in the Duma database.

"The adoption of the bill will ensure the implementation of the proposed legislative restriction on the sale of potentially dangerous household goods containing liquefied petroleum gases to minors with appropriate administrative liability measures," the explanatory note says.

It is proposed to amend article 14.53 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation (non-compliance with restrictions and (or) violation of prohibitions in the field of trade in tobacco products, tobacco products, nicotine-containing products and raw materials for their production, hookahs, devices for the consumption of nicotine-containing products). It is proposed to extend sanctions for the sale of tobacco products to minors to cases of sale of potentially dangerous gas-containing household goods.

Thus, the fine for citizens will be up to 60 thousand rubles, for officials - up to 300 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - up to 600 thousand rubles.

The Government of the Russian Federation indicated in its response that it supports the bill.
