"The Seasons of V. Polenov" with the support of SNS GC

#industry news

SNS GC has been supporting the State Tretyakov Gallery since 2011, and we are proud to be a member of the "Society of Friends of the Museum".
The key principle of cooperation is targeted assistance, which supports specific programs and projects.

Another such project, implemented with the support of the SNS Group of Companies, was the exhibition "The Seasons of Vasily Polenov", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of V.D. Polenov, one of the largest Russian artists of the second half of the XIX - first decades of the XX century.

About the exhibition:

- "The Seasons of Vasily Polenov" — chamber exhibition of landscape works from collections and private collections
- the exhibition presents landscapes depicting the artist's favorite seasons;
- "The exhibition has a certain secret: visitors have the opportunity to compare the landscapes of Vasily Dmitrievich, which were painted by him in different places... In addition, visitors to the exhibition can see not only the landscapes of Polenov himself, but also the works of his students. Among them are the painters Isaac Levitan and Konstantin Korovin," said Eleanor Paston, curator of the exhibition, a leading researcher at the Department of painting of the XIX–XX centuries of the GTG.


The State Tretyakov Gallery,
Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane, 10 (halls 35-36)

The duration of the exhibition:

until March 30, 2025

More about the exhibition:




press office of SNS GC