The share of illegal tobacco in the Rostov region decreased from 28.1 to 21.9 percent by the end of 2023. This is the information of the ANO "National Scientific Competence Center in the field of combating illicit trafficking in industrial products" (NSCC).
At the same time, the minimum losses of the federal budget from illegal tobacco trafficking in 2023 in the Rostov region amount to over six billion rubles. Such data are presented at an interregional online conference organized by Kommersant-Yug.
On March 1, the law on separate state regulation of the tobacco market came into force. So, accounting of products, raw materials, as well as registration of equipment is now carried out through the Honest Sign system. The innovations make it possible to reduce the illegal turnover of tobacco and nicotine-containing products and provide additional excise taxes to the federal budget by 50-70 billion rubles.
The positive effect of the introduction of labeling in the tobacco market has been observed for several years, said Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Artem Kiryanov.
According to him, this helps to effectively curb the growth of the gray market. Over the past year, the activities of 14 illegal tobacco factories have been suspended. Three illegal cigarette manufacturing enterprises were closed in the Rostov region. In addition, the share of illegal cigarette trafficking in the Don region was reduced almost twice - from 40 to 22 percent, and the number of sales in violation of established state prices - by 16 percent.