Criteria for inspections of tobacco trade and NCP

#industry news

Rospotrebnadzor named criteria for on-site surveys of the retail trade of tobacco products. This is stated in the draft order of the service "On approval of criteria for the formation of a plan for conducting field surveys." The document is at the disposal of Izvestia.

According to him, nine indicators are attributed to such criteria. These include repeated complaints from citizens about violations of the requirements for the turnover of tobacco and nicotine-containing products, systematic (two or more during the year) warnings to the seller about the inadmissibility of violations, the availability of information about the sale of products by a person not registered in the state labeling system "Honest Mark".

In addition, the reason for the inspection may be the receipt of information from the authorities about detected violations in the turnover of tobacco and nicotine-containing products, as well as the availability of information about the sale of this product without labeling and reports of complaints received from consumers through the Honest Sign mobile application.

In addition, the business will be unscheduled by Rospotrebnadzor in the case of trade in products in circulation before the introduction of mandatory labeling.
