CNPT products have successfully passed the inspection of Roskachestvo, the national quality system established by order of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2015, whose main task is to improve the quality of life of citizens of the Russian Federation in terms of conducting research on goods and services, standardization, certification, information and consumer protection.
As part of the study of the category "Electronic nicotine delivery systems (vapes)", Roskachestvo conducted an inspection of 20 brands of disposable vapes for compliance with mandatory legal requirements.
Key research criteria:
I. Compliance with nicotine concentration limits:
according to No. 15-FZ "On the protection of citizens' health from exposure to ambient tobacco smoke, the effects of tobacco consumption or consumption of nicotine-containing products", the maximum concentration of nicotine in nicotine-containing liquid should not exceed 20 mg/ml.
II. Reliability of information on the package:
according to GOST R 58109-2018 "Liquids for electronic nicotine delivery systems", the nicotine content in the liquid should vary in the range ± 20% of that indicated on the package
III. Leaks:
in accordance with GOST R 58109-2018 "Liquids for electronic nicotine delivery systems", leaks in electronic devices are unacceptable.
According to the results of the study, there are no violations in CNPT products!
Top quality products that meet all requirements — the main principle of CNPT – is confirmed by Roskachestvo!
press office of SNS GC