Vaping transportation is limited in Russia

#industry news

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that imposes restrictions on the volume of transportation of unmarked nicotine-containing products in Russia. The document is published on the official portal of legal information. 

The law establishes quantitative norms for the movement of nicotine-containing products by individuals that are not labeled in accordance with Russian legislation. 

According to expert estimates, which were given in the explanatory note, the illegal market of nicotine-containing liquids and disposable electronic means of nicotine delivery (electronic cigarettes) is growing annually by an average of 20% and as of mid-2022 accounted for about 90% of the total market volume of these products in Russia. 

This law was adopted in order to combat the illegal trafficking of such products. According to the document, an individual aged 18 and over can now move unmarked nicotine-containing products in a total amount of no more than 200 products with heated tobacco, as well as no more than 5 units of nicotine-containing products (with the exception of products with heated tobacco) with a total volume of no more than 20 milliliters of nicotine-containing liquid. There is also a restriction on the total weight of the transported unmarked tobacco–free mixture for heating - no more than 250 grams. 

The restrictions are set by analogy with the norms established for tobacco products – now individuals over the age of 18 can transport no more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars (cigarillos) without labeling in Russia. Also, the total weight of transported tobacco products should not exceed 250 grams per person. 
