Committee stands for limiting the size of transportation of vapes

#industry news

In Russia, they want to limit the volume of movement for individuals of unmarked nicotine-containing products, including products with heated tobacco. The relevant draft was recommended by the State Duma Committee on Health Protection to be adopted in the second reading. 

According to expert estimates, the illegal market of nicotine-containing liquids and disposable electronic means of nicotine delivery (electronic cigarettes) increases annually by an average of 20% and as of mid-2022 amounted to about 90% of the total market for these products in Russia, RIA Novosti reports.

The explanatory note to the document notes that amendments are proposed to the Federal Law "On the Protection of citizens' health from exposure to ambient tobacco smoke, the consequences of tobacco consumption or consumption of nicotine-containing products" dated 02/23/2013 No. 15-FZ.

It is assumed that individuals will be able to move unmarked nicotine-containing products in the amount of no more than 200 products with heated tobacco, or with a total volume of nicotine-containing liquid of no more than 50 milliliters per person across the country. Administrative liability may be imposed for violating the restrictions.

Amendments of the Government of the Russian Federation propose to clarify the norms of movement, in particular, the number of unmarked nicotine—containing products is established - no more than five units. The project is also supplemented with a quantitative norm for a tobacco—free mixture for heating - no more than 250 grams, the report says.

Earlier in Russia, it was proposed to establish administrative and criminal liability for the illegal production of cigarettes, tobacco and vapes. The State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation recommended adopting such a package of bills in the second reading. 
